Order and encouragement to fast
"O you who believe! Fasting is
prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you in order that
you might learn piety . . . . The month of Ramadan is that wherein was
revealed the Qur'an, as a guidance to mankind, and clear proofs of the
guidance, and the Criterion. So, whoever among you witnesses the month should
fast." [Al-Qur'an 2:183, 185]
"Every deed of the Son of Adam is for
himself, except fasting - it is for Me, and I shall reward it." [Muslim,
Abu Dawud, Nasa'i, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah]
"There is not any believer who remains
hungry, and abstains from the forbidden things, and does not wrongfully
consume the wealth of Muslims, except that Allah will feed him from the
fruits of Heaven."[Musnad Abu Hanifah]
"Whoever fasts Ramadan with faith and
expectation [of reward], his previous sins are forgiven him."[Bukhari,
Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nasa'i]
Rewards of fasting in general
"Fasting is a shield." [Ahmad]
"There is not any servant who fasts a
day in the path of Allah, except that Allah will distance him from the Fire
by a distance of seventy years." [Bukhari, Muslim]
"Fasting the month of patience and
three days of each month remove rancor of the heart." [Ahmad,
Warning against abandoning fasting in
"Whoever breaks his fast in Ramadan
without a [valid] concession or illness, he cannot repay it, even if he were
to fast the rest of his life." [Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, Ibn Majah]
Rules Related to Fasting
a) The time for fasting is from the rising
of the second dawn until the setting of the sun.
b) Fasting is: abstention from eating,
drinking and sexual intercourse by day with the intention.
The fasting is valid with an intention from
the night, but if one did not intend until the morning, the intention
suffices him between [dawn] and {the middle of the day}.
1. Things which invalidates fasting and requires full recompense
1.1 If someone intentionally does one of the
following without any valid excuse(see 6 below)
a) Does not fast at all
b) Breaks fast by eating, drinking and
sexual activities
c) Assuming that cupping has broken ones
fast thus quit fasting for the day.
1.2 Expiation for the above is to
a) Fast unceasingly for two months (60
days), if one breaks fats during this one has to start anew.
b) If unable to do so, it is to feed 60
needy persons two full meal
c) If unable to do so, it is to free one
1.3 Things that break fast and requires one to fast similar numbers of days in recompense
a) If something is entered into the body
during the hours when one is supposed to fast, irrelevant of how it entered
into the body.(see 5)
b) Fasting without intention
c) Breaking (iftar) fast without the intention of doing so. d) Lustful kissing of ones spouse e) Emission of semen due to touching, kissing, masturbation. f) Intentional vomiting.
2. Offensive acts during fasting
a) Backbiting, slander
b) To lie or deceive c) To use abusive language d) Not having iftar e) Taste a food without swallowing it, using toothpaste. f) Gargling water due to thirsts or hot weather. g) Wrapping oneself with wet clothes. h) Throwing up intentionally i) Weakening the body (e.g. strenuous sport) j) Gathering saliva and swallowing it; 3. Days when fasting is forbidden
a) Day of Eid al Fitr (Eid of Ramadan)
b) During Eid al ADHa 10, 11, 12 and 13 of month of Dhul Hijjah 4. Events when it is allowed to break the fast and fast later the similar number of days
a) If fasting aggravates health-condition
b) Snake biting c) Thirsts due to newly developed disease d) Genuine danger for a pregnant mother, or for her fetus. e) Genuine fear for the life of a suckling infant f) Reason to fear death g) Menstruation h) If one is a traveller
5. Things that do not break fast
a) Those things which would otherwise break
fast does not do so when one is unaware of the fact that one is
fasting(complete forgetfulness of fasting).
b) Entrance of insects (i.e mosquitos),
smoke and dust from natural environment does not break fast.
c) Wet dream, swallowing ones own saliva
when still in the mouth, brushing teeth, smearing oil, ointment on unwounded
body do not break fast. or used antimony [in his eyes],
d) If one is overcome by vomiting, his fast is not broken.
6. Etiquettes and desirable practices
1. Preparing for the
2. Bringing to mind the
bounty of Allah.
3. Purifying one's
4. Pre-dawn meal
(suhur) as late as safely possible.
5. Not unnecessarily
delaying the breakingof the fast.
6. Performing salat
al-Maghrib soon after breakign the fast, then returning to eat.
7. Making du`a at the
time of breaking the fast.
8. Enabling others to
break their fasts.
9. Abstaining from all
forbidden deeds.
Maintaining a pleasant disposition.
Abundant reciting of the Qur'an.
Abundant charity.
Performing tarawih prayers.
7. Miscellaneous
a) The intention of fasting can be made as
late as just before noon, if one forgets to do so during the previous night.
If one passes noon without making the intention ones fasting is
b) One should eat before the day breaks even
when one is not hungry.
c) For a woman whenever during the day
menstruation stops she should be observing fasting even though it is not a
fast for her. She should fast if it happens just before morning and did not
have enough time to take shower and eat.
d) If a woman menstruates, she stops fasting
and makes up [fasting for the days of menstruation].
e) Someone who lost consciousness in
Ramadan does not make up the day on which the loss of consciousness occurred,
but he makes up that which came after it.
f) If a traveller arrives, or a
[menstruating] woman attains purity with part of the day [remaining], they
abstain [from those things which invaliate fasting] for the rest of that day.
May Allah keep us on the Straight Path. Aameen |
Roza/Fasting (English)

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