Names and Titles of Sheikh Abdul Qadir
All Praises is due to
Allāh Almighty SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala, choicest Salāms and Salutations upon His
Beloved Habīb, Sayyidunā Muhammadur-Rasūlullāh SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam,
his noble family, the illustrious Sahābah and distinguished Awliya
Ridwanullahi Ta'ala Alaihim Ajma'een.
A rich store of information about Gawth al-Aazam is conveniently available,
to those familiar with the religious and spiritual tradition of Islam, in his
names, his surnames, and the many titles conferred upon him by his devoted
followers. It is not unusual for these to take up several lines in an Arabic
manuscript, but let us start with the short form of His name:
O Ghawth! You hold a
place of prominence ... Your feet are above others heads in eminence
Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir
A term applied throughout the Islamic world to respected persons of
recognized seniority in learning, experience and wisdom. Its basic meaning in
Arabic is “an elder; a man over fifty years of age.” [The spellings Sheikh,
Shaikh and Shaykh may also be encountered in English-language publications.]
This is HIS personal name, meaning “Servant of the All-Powerful.” [The form
‘Abdul Qadir, which the reader may come across elsewhere, is simply an
alternative transliteration of the Arabic spelling.] It has always been a
common practice, in the Muslim community, to give a male child a name in
which ‘Abd is prefixed to one of the Names of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala.
A surname ending in “i” will often indicate the bearer’s place of birth.
Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho was born in the Iranian district
of Gilan, south of the Caspian Sea, in A.H. 470/1077-8 C.E. [In some texts,
the Persian spelling Gilani is used instead of the arabicized form al-Jilani.
The abbreviated form al-Jili, which may also be encountered, should not be
confused with the surname of the VENERABLE
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Let us now consider a slightly longer version of the Shaykh’s name, as it
occurs near the beginning of Al-Fath ar-Rabbani :
O master! For the sake
of your dignity ... Upon your servant’s plight take pity
Sayyiduna ‘sh-Shaykh
Muhyi’d-Din Abu Muhammad
‘Abd al-Qadir Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho
Sayyiduna ‘sh-Shaykh:
“Our Master, the Shaykh.” A writer who regards himself as a Qadiri, a devoted
follower of Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, will generally
refer to the latter as Sayyiduna , or Sayyidi .
“Reviver of the Religion.” It is widely acknowledged by historians,
non-Muslim as well as Muslim, that Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala
Anho displayed great courage in reaffirming the traditional teachings of
Islam, in an era when sectarianism was rife, and when materialistic and
rationalistic tendencies were predominant in all sections of society. In
matters of Islamic jurisprudence and theology , he adhered quite strictly to
the highly “orthodox” school of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho.
“Father of Muhammad.” In the Arabic system of nomenclature, a man’s surnames
usually include the name of his first-born son, with the prefix Abu [Father
Allahu ‘Anhu:
“May Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala be well pleased with him!” This benediction is
the one customarily pronounced - and spelled out in writing - after
mentioning the name of a Companion of the Prophet [Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala
bless him and give him peace]. The preference for this particular invocation
is yet another mark of the extraordinary status held by Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir
Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho in the eyes of his devoted followers.
Finally, we must note some important elements contained within this even
longer version:
The art of giving is
you by inheritance ... The Prophet bequeathed to you his pittance
al-Ghawth al-A'zam
Sultan al-Awliya’ Sayyiduna ‘sh-Shaykh
Muhyi’d-Din ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani al-Hasani al-Husaini
al-Ghawth al-A'zam:
“The Supreme Helper” [or, “The Mightiest Succor”]. Ghawth is an Arabic word
A cry for aid or succor.
Aid, help, succor; deliverance from adversity.
The chief of the Saints, who is empowered by Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala to
bring succor to suffering humanity, in response to His creatures’ cry for
help in times of extreme adversity.
“The King of the Saints.” This reinforces the preceding title, emphasizing
the supremacy of the Ghawth above all other orders of sanctity.
“The descendant of both Imam al-Hasan Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho and Imam
al-Husain Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, the grandsons of the Prophet [Allah
SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala bless him and give him peace].” To quote the Turkish
author, Shaykh Muzaffer Ozak Efendi [may Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala bestow His
mercy upon him]:
As for the many other surnames, titles and honorific appellations that have
been conferred upon Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho,
it may suffice at this point to mention al-Baz al-Ash’hab .
He who sees your
personality’s halo ... Actually sees our Prophet’s spiritual shadow
11 Exalted Names of
Sultan al-Awliya Shaykh
‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho
There are 11 names from
amongst the names of Hadrat Ghawth al-Aa'zam (Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho) that
are a means of gaining blessings and freedom from hardships. If these names
are recited during calamities, illness or in one's home and BUSINESS
![]() These names are as follows:- سید محی الدین سلطان رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ 1. Sayyid Muhiy'yud'deen Sultaan (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho) محی الدین قطب رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ 2. Muhiy'yud'deen Qutub (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho) محی الدین خواجہ رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ 3. Muhiy'ud'deen Khwaja (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho) محی الدین مخدوم رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ 4. Muhiy'yud'deen Makhdoom (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho) محی الدین ولی رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ 5. Muhiy'yud'deen Wali (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho) محی الدین بادشاہ رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ 6. Muhiy'yud'deen Baadshah (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho) محی الدین شیخ رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ 7. Muhiy'yud'deen Shaykh (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho) محی الدین مولانا رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ 8. Muhiy'yud'deen Mawlana (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho) محی الدین غوث رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ 9. Muhiy'yud'deen Ghawth (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho) محی الدین خلیل رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ 10. Muhiy'yud'deen Khalil (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho) محی الدین رضی اللہ تعالی عنہ 11. Muhiy'yud'deen (Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho) [Fatawa Radawiyyah Sharif, Vol 26, Page 432]
Whose eyes can towards your head rise? ... Mystics kiss your
feet with their eyes
Some of his titles,
beautifully rendered in the
prologue of Jala’ al-Khawatir
The Shaykh,
The Imam, The most learned scholar, The pious abstainer, The dutiful worshipper, The knower by direct experience, The avoider of excess, The Shaykh of Shaykhs, The proof of Islam [hujjat al-Islam], The axis of the human race [qutb al-anam], The upholder of the Sunna, The suppressor of heretical innovation, The crown of those who know by direct experience, The love of those who tread the spiritual path, The pillar of the Shari'ah , The mainstay of the Haqiqah , The signpost of the Tariqah , The chief of the saints, The leader of the pure, The lantern of those who travel the spiritual way, The guide, The captain of those who are devoted to their duty, The lamp of the people of devotion and purity, Shaykh Muhyi ‘d-Din Abu Muhammad ‘Abd al-Qadir Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho, The son of Abu Swalih Musa al-Jili Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho The grandson of 'Abdullah The Hermit Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho.
May Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala sanctify his spirit and illuminate his mausoleum.
May He (SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala) gather us at the Resurrection as members of
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Ghous e Azam Foot is on the Necks of
all Auliya
There are many narrations
of predecessor Masha'ikh approximately 100 years before the birth of
Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A'zam Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho who foretold that shortly
there will be born in 'Ajam [non-Arab state] a person who will announce that
his foot is on the necks of all the Awliya-Allah. On his announcement, all
the Awliya will place their heads under his feet and enter the shadow of his
sacred feet.
AlaHadrat Imam Ash-Shah Ahmad Rida Khan al-Qadiri have quoted many narrations
and annotations in this regard from which 11 (Eleven) will be presented below
in accordance to the Qadiri number (11) with a hope that the Sublime Lord
SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala will bless us with the Barakaat of both the Worlds...
O Ghaus! You hold a
place of prominence
Your feet are above others heads in eminence
NARRATION # 1 to 4:
Hadrat Imam Abul-Hasan
'Ali bin Yusuf Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho narrates from Abu-Muhammad Salim
bin'Ali Damyati Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho and he narrates from six illustrious
Mashi'ikh who were the Sufi Masters of Iraq. They were Hadrat Abu-Tahir Sar'sari,
Shaykh Abul-Hasan Hafaf Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho, Shaykh Abu-Hafs Buraydi Radi
Allahu Ta'ala Anho, Shaykh Abul-Qasim 'Umar al-Dardani Radi Allahu Ta'ala
Anho, Shaykh Abul-Walid Zayd bin Sa'id Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho and Shaykh
Abu-'Amar 'Uthman bin Sulayman Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho. They informed him
that Hadrat Abul-Faraj 'Abdur-Rahim Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho and Abul-Hasan
'Ali Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho both nephews of Sayyidi Shaykh Ahmad Rifa'i Radi
Allahu Ta'ala Anho related to them:
کنا عند شیخنا الشیخ احمد بن
الرفاعی بزاویتہ بام عبیدۃ فمد عنقہ وقال علی رقبتی، فسئلناہ عن ذٰلک فقال قد
قال الشیخ عبدالقادر الآن بغداد قدمی ھذہ علی رقبۃ کل ولی اللہ
We were present in the Khanqah (School) with our Murshid, Sayyid Ahmad
al-Rifa'i Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho in Umme-'Obayd. Suddenly our Shaykh
al-Rifa'i Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho moved his neck forward and said: عَلَى رَقَبَتِي [“On my neck”]. We inquired from him about his action and
declaration. He replied: “At this moment Hadrat 'Abd al-Qadir has declared in
Baghdad that his foot is on the necks of all the Awliya of Allah.” [Bahjat al-Asrar,
Published Mustafa Al-Babi (Egypt), Page 13]
Note: Three more
Narrations of different narrators with almost the same wordings are also
stated on Page 13 and 14 of Bahjat al-Asrar published by Mustafa Al-Babi in
Imam Abul-Hasan Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho states that the great Jurist, Rizqullah bin Muhammad bin 'Ali bin Ahmad bin Yusuf Raqqi Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho narrated to me that
Shaykh Swaleh Abu-Ishaq Ibra'him Raqqi Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho reported that
Shaykh Mansur Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho narrated to him that Shaykh Imam
Abu-'Abdullah Muhammad bin Majid Raqqi Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho said to him.
Likewise, I RECEIVED
لما قال الشیخ عبدالقاد قدمی ھذہ
علی رقبۃ کل ولی اللہ تجلی الحق عزوجل علٰی قلبہ وجاء تہ خلعۃ من رسول اللہ صلی
اللہ تعالٰی علیہ و سلم علٰی یدطائفۃ من الملٰئکۃ المقربین والبسھا بمحضر من
جمیع الاولیاء من تقدم منھم وما تاخر الاحیاء باجسادھم والاموات بارواحھم وکانت
الملٰئکۃ ورجال الغیب حافین بمجلسہ واقفین فی الھوأصفوفاحتی استد الافق بھم ولم
یبق ولی فی الارض الاحناعنقہ
When Hadrat Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho declared that his
foot is on the necks of every Wali of Allah. At that time Almighty Allah
SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala beamed a Tajalli (lustre) on the Shaykhs' heart and
Sayyiduna Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam sent a sacred garb with a
group of exalted Angels for the Shaykh. There was a gathering of every Wali
of the past and present. The Awliya who were alive presented themselves
physically and those who had passed on, their souls were present. It was in
this splendid gathering that the Angels dressed the great Ghawth Radi Allahu
Ta'ala Anho with this consecrated garb. At that moment a huge crowd of Rijal
al-Ghayb (Men of the Unseen) and Angels were also present. The birds in the
skies tucked their wings in respect and absolute submission. All of them
filled the horizons to witness this coronation. There was no Wali of Allah on
earth that did not bend his neck in submission to the declaration of the
al-Asrar, Published Mustafa Al-Babi (Egypt), Page 8-9]
Imam Abul-Hasan 'Ali
Shatnufi Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho narrates from Shaykh Abu-Muhammad Hasan bin
Ahmad bin Muhammad Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho and Shaykh Khalaf bin Ahmad bin
Muhammad Harimi Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho, they heard from their grandfather
Shaykh Khalifa Akbar Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho who was often privileged of
dreaming of Sayyiduna Rasoolullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam. He swears an
oath that
رأیت رسول اللہ صلی اللہ تعالٰی
علیہ وسلم فقلت لہ یارسول اللہ لقد قال الشیخ عبدالقادر قدمی ھٰذہ علٰی رقبۃ کل
ولی اللہ ، فقال صدق الشیخ عبدالقادروکفی لاوھو القطب واناارعاہ
One night he dreamt of the glorious Prophet of Allah SallAllahu Alaihi wa
Sallam. He inquired from him SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam about the
declaration of Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho who said that his
foot is on the necks of all the Awliya of Allah. Sayyiduna Rasoolullah
SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam replied: “Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir had spoken the
truth and why not, because he is the Qutb and I am his shield .” [Bahjat al-Asrar,
Published Mustafa Al-Babi (Egypt), Page 10]
Ahmad Rida al-Qadiri Radi ALLAHu Ta'ala Anho says:
Alhamdulillah! Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala ordered our Master to make
this declaration and while declaring this, Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala beamed
His Tajalli on his heart and Sayyiduna Raulullah SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam
sent him a sacred garb with the exalted Angels. He was clothed with this garb
by the Angels in the presence of all the Awliya of the past and present.
There was also a huge assembly of Angels and Rijal al-Ghayb bent in
submission saluting the great Ghawth Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho.
Now it is up to the individual to accept or reject the elevated status of the
great Ghawth. If one is happy with his status then one will be happy and if
one is unhappy the one will certainly be unhappy. All that can be said about
the unhappy is the command of Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala:
موتوابغیظکم ان اللہ علیم بذات
Say: Perish in your rage: Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala knows well all the
secrets of the heart.
In life, death and
hereafter, my guide | Under your spiritual cover I want to reside
Imam Mullah 'Ali Qari
Hanafi Makki Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho (d.1014/1606) in his Kitab, Nuzhat
al-Khatir al-Fatir trajuma Sayyidi al-Sharif 'Abd al-Qadir states:
من مشائخہ حمادالدباس رضی اللہ
تعالٰی عنہ روی ان یوما کان سید نا عبدالقادر عندہ فی رباطہ ولما غاب من حضرتہ
قال ان ھذا الاعجمی الشریف قدماً یکون علٰی رقاب اولیاء اللہ یصیر مامورا من عند
مولاہ بان یقول قدمی ھٰذا علی رقبۃ کل ولی اللہ ویتواضع لہ جمیع اولیاء اللہ فی
زمانہ ویعظمونہ لظہورشانہ
Shaykh Hammad bin Muslim al-Dabbas Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho was amongst the
very first Masha'ikh of Sayyid 'Abd al-Qadir Jilani Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho.
One day in the absence of Shaykh al-Jilani Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho he said:
“The foot of this young Sayyid will be on the necks of all the Awliya. Allah
SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala will order him to declare that his foot is on the necks
of all the Awliya. Every Wali of his time will bend their heads in submission
and due to his status, they will honour and respect him.” [Nuzhat al-Khatir
al-Fatir trajuma Sayyidi al-Sharif 'Abd al-Qadir (Manuscript), Page 8]
This submission of the Awliya will be due to the Divine Appointment of Allah
Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho of the Ghawth. By the virtue of the fact that ALL the
Awliya will acknowledge this, hence Sayyidi Shaykh Ahmad al-Rifa'i Radi
Allahu Ta'ala Anho will be no exception, and he too also bent his neck in
acknowledgement and compliance.
It is also recorded in
Nuzhat al-Khatir al-Fatir trajuma Sayyidi al-Sharif 'Abd al-Qadir that
The announcement of Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A'zam Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho, قدمی ھذہ علی رقبۃ کل ولی اللہ, the bending of heads in submission of
the present and absent Awliya, the acceptance of the sacred feet of the
Ghawth on their heads and the rejection of one Wali who was stripped of his
Sainthood is mentioned by the author. Thereafter, he comments as follows:
وھذا تنبیہ بینۃ علی انہ قطب
الاقطاب والغوث الاعظم
This is a brilliant proof to undoubtedly confirm that Sayyiduna Shaykh 'Abd
al-Qadir Jilani Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho is the King of all the Qutbs and the
Ghawth al-A'zam (most senior Ghawth). [Nuzhat al-Khatir al-Fatir trajuma Sayyidi al-Sharif 'Abd
al-Qadir (Manuscript), Page 9-10]
Imam Ahmad ibn-Hajr Makki
Shafa'i Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho (d.853/1448) records in his Fatawa
انھم قد یؤمرون تعریفا لجاھل
اوشکرا وتحدثا بنعمۃ اللہ تعالٰی کما وقع الشیخ عبدالقادر رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ
انہ بینما ھو بمجلس وعظہ واذا ھو یقول قدمی ھٰذہ علٰی رقبۃ کل ولی اللہ تعالٰی
فاجابہ فی تلک الساعۃ اولیاء الدنیا قال جماعۃ بل واولیاء الجن جمیعھم وطأطئوارء
وسھم وخضعوالہ واعترفوابماقالہ الارجل باصبھان فابٰی فسلب حالہ
Sometimes the Awliya are ordered to make lofty statements to inform those
who are unaware of their high status. Sometimes these statements are made to
thank Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala and publicize his favours on an individual.
This is similar to the sudden declaration made by Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A'zam
Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho made in his majlis that his foot is on the necks of
all the Awliya of Allah. They all instantly reacted by bowing their heads in
confirmation besides one person in Asbahan who was then stripped of all
dignity and Spiritual Powers. [Fatawa Hadithiyya, Dar al-Ihya al-Turath al Arabi (Berut -
Lebanon), Page 414]
Control over hearts is
yours from above | Please make my heart a treasure of love
Imam Ibn Hajr Radi Allahu
Ta'ala Anho lists some of the senior Awliya, who bent their heads in
submission, as follows:
§ The
patron Saint of the Suhrawardi Sufi Order, Hadrat Sayyidi 'Abd al-Qahir
Abu-Najib Suhrawardi Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho who bent his head and said:
علٰی رأسی علٰی رأسی
“ On my head, on my head.”
§ Sayyidi
Shaykh Ahmad al-Rifa'i Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho bent his head and said:
علی رقبتی
“This small Ahmad is also amongst them on whose neck is the foot the Master.”
When he was asked about his strange action and comment, he replied:
الشیخ عبدالقادر الآن بغداد قدمی
ھذہ علی رقبۃ کل ولی اللہ
“At this moment, Shaykh Sayyid 'Abd al-Qadir Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho has
announced in Baghdad that his foot is on the necks of all the Awliya of
Allah, therefore I too, humbly said that this small Ahmad is also amongst
them .”
Hadrat Sayyidi Abu-Madyan Shu'ib Maghribi Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho also bent
his head and said:
وانا منھم اللھم انی اشھدک
واشھدملٰئکتک انی سمعت واطعت
“I am also amongst them. O Allah! I make You and all the Angels a witness
that I heard the command of 'Qadami' and obeyed.”
Hadart Sayyidi 'Abd al-Rahim Qanawi Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho bent his neck to
the ground and said:
صدق الصادق المصدوق
“The truthful has spoken the Truth.”
Hadithiyya, Dar al-Ihya al-Turath al Arabi (Berut - Lebanon), Page 414]
After recording the
above, Imam Ibn Hajr Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho then comments that Shaykh
Najibudin Suhrawardi Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho, Shaykh al-Rifa'i Radi Allahu
Ta'ala Anho, Shaykh Abu-Madyan Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho and Shaykh 'Abd
al-Rahim Qanawi Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho and many other exalted 'Arifin
elaborated that Sayyiduna Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir Jilani Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho
did not make this statement on his own accord but he was commanded by
Almighty Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala to do so.
فلم یسع احدًا التخلف
“Therefore no Wali had the courage to disobey this command. (Hence, they
bent their heads and gladly took the foot of the Ghawth on their necks)”
There are many narrations of predecessor Masha'ikh approximately 100 years
before the birth of Sayyiduna Ghawth al-A'zam Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anho who
foretold that shortly there will be born in 'Ajam [non-Arab state] a person
who will announce that his foot is on the necks of all the Awliya-Allah. On
his announcement, all the Awliya will place their heads under his feet and
enter the shadow of his sacred feet. [Fatawa Hadithiyya, Dar al-Ihya al-Turath al
Arabi (Berut - Lebanon), Page 414]
We hope
that these few lines will suffice for the just and pious. May the Almighty
Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala grant every Muslim the Tawfiq to accept the truth
and exercise Adab with the Awliya of Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala. May the
Merciful Allah SubHanuhu wa Ta'ala grant us decorous respect for his Beloved
Servants and give us death in their ardent Love and raise us on the Day of
Judgement amongst their dignified and pure COMPANY